Please Note: If attending Grand Island Mental Health & Medical Clinic for the first time or returning after more than one year absence, you will need to complete an intake form and informed consent form. You can fill out these forms on this website, fill out in our office 30 minutes before your scheduled time, or call to get forms mailed to you. Any other forms needed will be filled out when you have your first appointment. If you have any questions please feel free to come early to your appointment and ask for assistance from our receptionist or your therapist.
Are you a new client? |
Step 1: Online New Client Info. Form
If you are wanting to be scheduled with a provider in our office, welcome and thank you for choosing Grand Island Mental Health and Medical Clinic! The first step is to fill out the Client Information Form. This form is important because it introduces you to us and it emails our front office staff to let us know that you would like to be scheduled. It takes about 5-10 minutes to fill out the form. To get started, please click on the button below.
Step 2: Intake Forms
Prepare for these forms to take approximately 30 minutes to complete. In completing these forms before your appointment you are allowing the time in your first visit to be spent working directly on current issues with your provider since the main necessary information has already been gathered by these forms
Adult Intake: Ages 19 & Up
Minor Intake: Ages below 19
Step 3: Informed Consent Forms
An informed consent form must be completed prior to your first appointment with our office. These forms also give you helpful information regarding your rights and responsibilities, our current fees, office policies, etc.
After completing all three steps, we should be reaching out to you soon!
Release Forms
These forms are used to authorize our release of information to entities besides yourself and are optional.
Other Forms
These forms are only as needed and are not required
Couples for Cassandra
This form is for couples who are seeing Cassandra Leow ONLY.